Maintained and Clean
Maintained and Clean with EnviroNize Anolyte.
What is EnviroNize Anolyte?
EnviroNize Anolyte (electrolyzed water) is an all-natural antibacterial/antimicrobial solution that effectively controls a broad spectrum of harmful pathogens and is a Health Canada DIN 02410605 registered product.
EnviroNize Anolyte is a very powerful disinfectant against all bacteria and viruses, even when it is diluted in water or sprayed in the air.
EnviroNize Anolyte is a non-hazardous, cost-effective alternative to bleach and other traditional hazardous chemicals used for sanitizing and disinfection. Powerful and SAFE and is not harmful to humans, animals, plants or marine life, leaving no harmful residuals.
EnviroNize Anolyte (electrolyzed water) is “Raising the Bar” in Cleaning and Disinfecting! This novel technology is reaching new heights and setting new standards. It is Green, Clean and it works!
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